M-PACT plus supports families affected by parental or carer substance misuse and consists of a programme delivered in schools by
Place2Be counsellors.
With funding from Comic Relief and the Royal Foundation, M-PACT plus was piloted in four areas between 2013 and 2015. The pilot has now been extended in three
of these areas to June 2017 and DMSS Research is carrying out an independent qualitative evaluation of the difference it is making to families.
Feedback from families interviewed for our evaluation was very positive:
"I would highly, highly recommend it to anybody who are having problems with their family, who wants to put
their family back together. Because me and my daughter are proof that it can happen. I know so many people out there who have gone
through so many hard things, who believe they can’t get that family back together. We are living proof that you can."
Our report can be read here.